My self and 3 other volunteers have designed a website for diagnosing color blindness and hearing problems.
Website design for Frontend Framework is done using React (language; Javascript). We need somebody who can help / guide us about the web hosting service providers for hosting the website. We will pay the web hosting charges but they have to guide us in selecting the cost effective web hosting service provider.
We need Volunteers with knowledge in Web hosting. People who are interested in volunteering please reach me at or
I am planning to give this website to an NGO in India so that while conducting health camps it can be used as a web based tool for diagnosing color blindness and hearing disabilities for people living in rural areas across all states in India.
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Will this be a front-end only website? If so, will very little updates to your code, I can suggest an easy and cheap (possible free depending on traffic) solution for you. Let me know if this is something that would interest you and I can provide more details/help as needed.