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    TrustRoots Network Platform

    • 1 bid
    • Open 2 years ago

    Project description:

    Local NGOs are currently receiving less than 3% of the $194 billion available from Official Development Assistance (ODA). Thus, a large proportion of global aid and philanthropy budgets is never actually reaching local organizations, let alone the Communities they serve. Instead, intermediaries are building large international, bureaucratic structures that take significant overheads of 15% to 40% to implement themselves, or even redistributing to smaller organizations on the ground. Local grassroots are often not trusted to handle international aid funds effectively beyond immediate programmatic costs. As a result, the actors doing the most important, immediate work with affected Communities often lack the core operating funding they need to work effectively, efficiently and sustainably, ultimately resulting in Communities not receiving the support they need. 

    Frustrated by the inequities that exist within the aid and philanthropy sector itself, Pratiksha and J founded TrustRoots Network (TRN) in 2021 – to help shift not only the decision-making power but also the funds to those organizations that know best how to serve their communities. Our aim is to ensure the promise made in the Grand Bargain 2.0 comes to life: to see 25% of aid budgets going directly to local and national actors, allowing for a more effective, efficient and sustainable aid sector.

    TrustRoots Network is a network of the world’s most effective and efficient support providers: locally embedded grassroots organizations. TRN cuts through the red tape and power imbalances to make the aid sector work better for grassroots, donors and Communities. Instead of high-cost, consultant-driven compliance, we have developed a unique, data-driven peer-review model focused on lived experiences of the impact organizations, as told by the people they serve and work with. For each network member, our trained, local ambassadors and previous donors but also, most importantly, the Communities provide impact-focused feedback. For grassroots organizations the platform provides better visibility and credibility with donors, as well as a space for networking, peer-learning and exchange. For donors, it is a practical solution to identify the most impactful organizations, whilst also providing guidance on equitable, sustainable financing options.

    Our Vision

    A healthy, impactful, locally-led and equitable aid and philanthropy sector.

    Our Mission 

    To promote and facilitate trust-based partnerships between funders and small grassroot organizations.

    Our Values

    We are driven by values of humility, transparency and trust – and remain committed to an anti-racist, decolonial and equitable aid sector. 

    Our Solution

    TrustRoots Network will facilitate trust-based partnerships between donors and grassroots by focusing on the feedback of the Communities being served, to ensure grassroots have the financial support that enables their long-term organizational strength and resilience.


    1. nishisurti

      Hi there I am experienced developer and designer too. Would like to help :

    2. baetek

      Hi, I have lots of development experience in anything that might be needed, front end, backend, cloud infrastructure.
      Willing to learn any intricacies of Airtable or anything else you might be using


    Full Stack Developer | React | Vue | Javascript | Node | .Net core | C#
    In Process
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    • Project posted: 1
    • Hires: 0