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    STEM Website

    • 4 bids
    • Open 2 years ago

    Project description:

    I’m looking for some helpers to contribute to the development of my website that offers a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) education, at the URL It is written mainly in ASP.NET Web Forms with a C# back-end. To give a little context and backstory to my site, it is for teaching anyone STEM through its three main sections of Technology, Science, and Math. Science is divided into the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Math is divided into Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics, and Calculus. The Technology section has various sections pertaining to industrial applications; please reference the link. Additional sections to the site include a forum, live chat, and “Random” section dedicated to different tools/utilities I’ve coded to do miscellaneous useful functions.

    Like I said, ASP.NET and C# are the main technology and language for the site, but any developer fluent in the basic Web languages of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is definitely a plus. Another huge plus would be someone already familiar/proficient at one or many science/mathematical subjects and able to code modules to calculate answers given user inputs for a given mathematical or scientific formula. In the end, the management of the site’s repository of files and code will be done through GitLab, which I already have set up, through you the volunteer submitting merge requests to me.

    Kudos to anyone willing to help. I’ve been coding this website for 4 years and now am really starting to realize how much assistance I can use given my huge agenda of tasks to complete. Thanks again for any willingness to volunteer and don’t be afraid to contact me!


    1. Lidia Cirrone

      Hi, I’m a React and previously WordPress developer, so although I don’t know ASP.NET or C#, I use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript daily. Do you still need someone?

    2. iotalex

      Do you have a github? Have you started the back end work yet?

    3. maxvoisard

      Hi AlbeDesign. Thanks for pointing out the faulty email; I actually changed the email address to maxvoisard@gemofstem, without the dot in the middle, some time ago. If you’d like to email me at that address from now on, you may.

      As for wanting to help me with my website, I appreciate your willingness. I’d like to set up a Zoom meeting with you to introduce the site and cover how I’d like it developed.

    4. AlbeDesign

      I tried e-mailing you regarding your website, but the email on your website doesn’t work.


    Skills required:


    Oriel Ramagole
    Software Developer
    In Process
    front end developer
    In Process
    Fullstack Developer
    In Process
    Software engineer
    In Process
    • Address:
    • Project posted: 2
    • Hires: 0