Coding has become an option for skills training. As the demand for technology talent continues to grow and businesses in many countries struggle to find qualified workers with programming skills, young people with non-technical backgrounds often have to look beyond the walls of a traditional classroom and a four-year degree to gain these skills at a faster pace.
However, in Ghana, the ICT education is so expensive to the extend that only few people can afford.
Every year, about Twenty Thousand children complete basic school and move on to secondary school. The same number of youth complete secondary school and move on tertiary institutions and after spending so many years in school become unemployed.
Because they don’t have any skills, they become burden on the government.
Kid’s Planet project is to empower pupil with the skills in coding which will turn up to become source of income for them right after school.
Because this project is offering for free, we can’t afford everything, therefore we are looking for any support that will make it successful including voluntary lectures, laptops, books, etc.