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    • tanaym Marketing Automation Consultant 0 reviews
    • Marketing
    • SEO
    • wordpress


    Hi Community! With these crazy times happening, I want to be of service.
    Are you a business / charity / cause and need a website? I’ll design one for you for no cost. Just in the spirit of giving back.
    With a website, you’ll be able to:

    • Spread the word about your business / charity / cause more effectively
    • Get more sales / donations
    • Attract more volunteers / employees / clients
    • Get your message out to the world
    • Build a powerful online community

    The websites will be simple, elegant and will work on any device (smartphones / tablets). Once the basic design is done, I’ll show you how you can maintain your website forever & how you can post on it.
    I’m just a one man show and obviously can’t (unfortunately) say yes to all requests! So, I’d love it if you can contact me, and I’ll pick 15-20 businesses / charities / causes that I’ll help over the next month or so.

    I’m looking forward to being of service to you. Stay safe! 

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    • Rating:
    • Experience: 10 years
    • Projects worked: 0
    • Country: indonesia