My name is Scott Garriott. I have been working on websites for 2 years now. For the first 8 months I was just taking piecemeal online courses but soon after this my friend asked for help on his website. After I completed that project I found that I was interested in web design enough to take a more intense course. I completed a 9 month full stack web design course with Thinkful. The course was fast paced, intense, and I learned many skills; Node.js, JS, CSS 3, HTML 5, React, SQL, Express and Bootstrap among them. Though my time learning in this course I discovered that I have a real interest in the back-end portion of websites. I also wish to do good with the skills I have acquired. I currently volunteer every week at my local animal shelter and I have always had a passion for social justice. I believe that all people are entitled to basic human needs and that we currently have the resources to make this true. I am excited to do more volunteer work for causes I can believe in as I continue my new career.