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    • antwon Senior Net/Java Software Developer 0 reviews
    • App Development
    • ASP.NET
    • CSS
    • Database
    • HTML
    • HTML5
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • Software Development
    • SQL


    Experienced Programmer in the development of web based, client/server and desktop applications using leading programming languages and trends like C#, Visual Basic, Java, ASP.NET and WCF. Acquainted with the elements of database design and administration on different database systems including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.

    Excellent interpersonal relationships with clients and co-workers. Effective verbal and written skills in English and Spanish.

    Technical Skills

    • Knowledge and experience with N-tier architecture, WCF, and Entity Frameworks.
    • Web development skills using ASP.NET, JSP, AJAX, CSS, XHTML, XSLT, and JavaScript technologies.
    • Extensive experience designing and developing web/desktop applications using C#, Visual Basic.NET, and Java languages and main industry frameworks like Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework and NHibernate.
    • Proficient using and administrating server-side programs like IIS Web Server, Apache, and JBoss.
    • Skillful designing and deploying databases using the leading RDBMS systems like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and their corresponding programming languages Transact-SQL and PL/SQL.
    • Knowledge and experience with top industry software development tools like Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, IntelliJ IDEA and IBM Rational.
    • Skills in Microsoft Sql Server Reporting Services, JasperReports, and Crystal Report reporting tools.
    • Microsoft Certified Professional, and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in Dynamics CRM.

    Posted projects (0)

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    • Rating:
    • Experience: 16 years
    • Projects worked: 0
    • Country: Dallas