Through 2 events from Seattle Tech4Good talking with nonprofits, it was determined, especially in this time of COVID, nonprofits frequently have lack of resources.
Resources might include physical goods (e.g. diapers, food, boxes…), intellectual (e.g. new and best practices for fundraising, connecting to employees virtually, technologies to help with the “new normal”, best practices for physical exchanges…) and relevant connections (e.g. who to turn to to get advice, connections in the community, networks to leverage…).
We determined an exchange hub of goods, information and connections will benefit all nonprofits as well as the communities they serve. Nonprofits and individuals will be able to view and post goods to lend or donate. Nonprofits will be able to list their profile, create a list of needs, create a list of goods willing to donate or lend, create a list of services offered. using JS, React, P
We are in active development using JS, React and Postgres on the GitHub platform.