A reporting widget (populates a Google Sheet set up as an app) for an Adobe Captivate project no longer functions when publishing a responsive project. It works for non-responsive project (only after countless hours learning about CORS and APIs and other things). I’ve built two courses as responsive projects and can’t convert it to a non-responsive project to use the widget.
I’m hoping someone might be able to help by writing some code to get the data out of an end users’ local storage to maybe XML and posted or stored in a data base. I currently have a Google Cloud account set up with a VM instance and some storage buckets, so those should help this process along.
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Brian Burbank
Would love to help out as much as possible if you still need volunteers
Ernest Whiting
Hi Brian, thanks for reaching out. My neighbor is going to help me with a potential solution. I’ll keep you looped in as to what becomes of it.
Ernest Whiting
Please forgive the typos and any grammatical errors.